Loren and I have always said the common man made all our romantic high-adventure expeditions possible. The men who we hired to be our guides through the Darien Gap, natives who had no clue why we were doing such a crazy thing but were nonetheless some of the best men on the planet.

The man on the street or in a village who would give us directions. The mechanic who worked late into the night to get the Sand Ship Discovery’s brakes working again. The welding shop where the workers welded the rear end of the Discovery after the abuse she received on the rough roads of Tierra del Fuego for the simple pleasure of being a part of the expedition! The reporter who wrote a great article about the Darien Gap crossing that helped us get free transportation across the Atlantic Ocean. The people who gave us a place to stay for a night or two, a week or two, or many months. The man who helped us find gasoline when none of the gas stations had gas. The working government officials who went above and beyond to help rush us through customs to get aboard a ferry. The people who would help us exchange money in some pretty spooky places. Family members and friends who gave their time and money to refurbish the Discovery and get her back to Israel. The Jeep enthusiasts in Israel who were instrumental in our success in 2018.

Yes, the common man helped a carpenter and a secretary achieve their dream. And in our opinion, they are anything but common. Loren and I have felt incredibly blessed to have met so many extraordinary people who have made our lives complete, and our dreams come true.